O que a análise dos tributos diretos no topo da distribuição nos informa sobre a desigualdade racial no Brasil?
This paper analyzes the distributive impacts of direct taxes, considering dimensions of gender and race, using the 2017/2018 Brazilian Household Budget Survey data (POF). The analysis is centered on the top of the income distribution in which differences seem to be especially significant. In particular, the different incidence of direct taxes between white and black men is explored. While for white men, it is possible to notice a fall in the progressiveness of direct taxes comparing the top 1% with the following 9%, the same is not true for black men. This difference can be explained by the fact that the income of the black individuals at the top of the distribution come mostly from work, especially from formal employment regimes or statutory employment in the public sector. Among white men at the top of the distribution, on the other hand, a significant part of their income come from those who declare themselves employers, remunerated with income from capital. Such differences indicate possible ways to think about anti-racist elements of tax reforms. Given the discussion, in 2024, of a reform in direct income taxes, this article points out possible ways to design a more progressive tax, particularly considering the principle of tax equity.
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